08:58 13.01.2021

Finance Ministry keeps rates on govt domestic loan bonds, raises UAH 7.6 bln, $48.2 mln at auctions

1 min read
Finance Ministry keeps rates on govt domestic loan bonds, raises UAH 7.6 bln, $48.2 mln at auctions

The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine at the second in 2021 primary auctions for the placement of government domestic loan bonds kept the yield curve and slightly reduced sales of hryvnia securities by 13.2%, to UAH 7.57 billion.

The majority of sales fell on securities with maturity up to a year 92.9%, or UAH 7.03 billion, and the rest was almost equally divided between two and 3.5-year government domestic loan bonds.

The cut-off rate for six-month government domestic loan bonds remained at the level of 10.75%, for 12-month bonds at 11.7%, for two-year bonds at 11.85% and for 3.5-year bonds at 12.15%.

The Ministry of Finance refused six of 82 applications for UAH 300 million (at par), which were submitted for the purchase of one-year securities at rates up to 11.8% per annum.

In addition, for the first time this year, one-year dollar-denominated government domestic loan bonds were offered, the rate on which was kept at 3.8%, and the sales volume fell by 65.5%, to $48.2 million compared to the previous similar auctions on December 22.