15:09 20.01.2020

DTEK to hold roundtable in Davos devoted to Ukraine's opportunities of contributing in Green Deal

1 min read
DTEK to hold roundtable in Davos devoted to Ukraine's opportunities of contributing in Green Deal

DTEK will lead a roundtable discussion "A European Green Deal — How Can Ukraine's Energy Sector Contribute?" during the World Economic Forum in Davos on of January 23, 2020.

"The goal of our roundtable is to discuss with the European partners both the contribution and opportunities of Ukraine's energy reform to work in tandem with the Green Deal" DTEK said on its website on Monday, citing DTEK CEO Maksym Tymchenko.

The company said that Ukraine can make a significant contribution to achieving the Green Deal targets by increasing the share of renewables in the country's energy balance to replace other generation capacities, developing responsible consumption, and building a customer-focused energy sector. One of the priorities of Green Deal is to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

DTEK said that the Green Deal adopted by the European Commission on December 11, 2019 aims to reconfigure the EU's existing economic model in the face of ongoing climate and environmental-related challenges.