16:16 17.10.2019

EBA concerned about irregularities when considering important bills of fuel and energy sector

1 min read

The European Business Association (EBA) has said that there were serious procedural irregularities when the Verkhovna Rada committee for energy and utilities considered some bills important for the energy sector.

According to the results of the meeting of the committee held on October 16, the association said in a press release that a number of bills were included on the agenda that were not actually registered in parliament as of the date preceding the meeting. Also on the agenda had bills that are currently under consideration by the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada and have not yet been sent to the committee.

In addition, the EBA said that legislative initiatives were submitted to the committee before the deadlines for filing alternative bills were completed. In addition, there were no obligatory conclusions of other Rada committees on the proposed bills.

"The business community expresses deep concern about the serious irregularities in terms of studying legislative initiatives by MPs and business representatives, as well as the lack of the ability to provide comments and suggestions," the EBA said in the press release.