14:39 12.09.2018

Over 70 auctions to privatize small companies held in ProZorro. Sales bringing UAH 85.6 mln to state

1 min read

A total of 74 successful auctions to privatize small companies have been held in the ProZorro.Sales electronic system since August 17, 2018. The auctions brought UAH 85.6 million to the state, Ukraine's Economic Development and Trade Ministry has said on its Facebook page on Wednesday.

The ministry said that three bidders on average compete for each lot.

There were 77% of successful auctions where demand is seen. The initial price on average doubles.

"As always, we say that competition is flourishing: for example, yesterday there was a real struggle for nonresidential premises in Lviv located in Doroshenko Street (812 square meters): 13 participants and the struggle among the leaders until the last seconds of the auction. UAH 10 million more than the initial UAH 6.7 million," First Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade Maksym Nefyodov wrote on his Facebook page.

According to the ministry, as of the beginning of this week, 954 facilities have been added to the register of small companies for privatization. 417 of them with the total starting value of UAH 328 million have already announced the dates of the auctions.