17:14 20.02.2018

Amount of procurement technical assistance raised by Ukraine in 2017 falls by $317 mln

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Amount of procurement technical assistance raised by Ukraine in 2017 falls by $317 mln

 Ukraine in 2017 raised $928.32 million of procurement technical assistance, which is $317.34 million less than the figure for 2016.

According to the data released by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, this year it is planned to reduce this figure to $700 million.

"The largest donors for Ukraine are the Unite d States (about $370 million annually) and the European Union (EUR 310 million annually, which include sectoral budget support), "the ministry said.

The ministry said that last year the U.S. government provided technical assistance to Ukraine in the amount of $450 million, including $305 million to support political and anti-corruption reforms, economic growth, human rights, energy security, civil society and the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission.

In 2018, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade predicts the attraction of $203.78 million from the United States, $248 million from the European Commission and $137.62 million from the United Nations.

In 2017, Ukraine implemented 547 international technical assistance projects with a total estimated cost of $5.7 million, including $2.4 million of funding from the Chornobyl Shelter Fund and the Nuclear Safety Account. Of these, more than 10 years, 21 projects are being implemented, according to the ministry.