14:12 03.01.2018

Some 31,000 successful tenders to procure medicines in ProZorro system held in 2017

2 min read

Some 31,000 successful tenders to procure medicines in the ProZorro e-procurement system were held in 2017, including 18,000 tenders using the competition procedure.

The press service of the ProZorro state-owned enterprise told Interfax-Ukraine that saving of funds during procurement of medicines in 2017 reached UAH 520 million.

ProZorro said that types of violation in the sphere of public procurement did not change a lot since the times of tenders held in paper, but in contrast to tenders in paper held behind closed doors, now all the procurement is carried out online and all attempts to steal are available for monitoring.

"In fact, it is very difficult to steal so that no one will notice it. However, the fact that we saw the manipulation in tenders, found out that a customer buys at higher price than the market price [previously remained in drawers and envelopes] does not yet mean that the customer will be punished and dismissed," the state-owned enterprise said.

Every day, up to 3,000-4,000 procurement tenders of various types are announced in the ProZorro system.

"The ProZorro system coped with the task, namely, it allowed holding a tender and gave everyone, including supervisory authorities, access to data on a specific procurement, but our authorities do not extend further. We do not have influence on those who should monitor the activities of customers, conduct investigation and punish the guilty persons. In the case of violations, the ProZorro system acts as an evidence base, not as an investigator or a prosecutor," ProZorro said.