10:50 22.12.2017

Economy ministry estimates Ukraine's GDP growth at 2.3% in Jan-Sept 2017

1 min read
Economy ministry estimates Ukraine's GDP growth at 2.3% in Jan-Sept 2017

Ukraine's real gross domestic product (GDP) in January-September 2017 grew by 2.3% year-over-year, First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Development and Trade Stepan Kubiv has said.

"For 2018 we predict growth of 3%. Moody's forecast is even more optimistic – 3.5%," he said at a press conference of the Economic Development and Trade Ministry presenting the results of 2017 in Kyiv on Thursday.

Kubiv also said that foreign direct investment (FDI) in January-October 2017 accounted for $2.07 billion, and only 22% of them were funds used for re-register of the debt into capital, while in 2016 their share was 64%.

As reported, referring to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the growth of GDP of Ukraine in the third quarter of 2017 compared to the same period in 2016 was 2.1% against 2.3% in the second quarter and 2.5% in the first quarter of 2017.

In 2016, GDP rose by 2.3%.

The Ukrainian government expects that GDP would grow by 3% in 2018 and NBU's forecast is 3.2%.