11:30 10.05.2017

Ukrainian infrastructure ministry proposes cutting some airport charges

1 min read
Ukrainian infrastructure ministry proposes cutting some airport charges

Ukraine's Infrastructure Ministry has drawn up a draft order proposing to cut and annul some airport charges.

Minister Volodymyr Omelyan wrote on his Facebook page that it is proposed to cut the fee for servicing passengers in the international flights terminal, annul the fee for limit-exceeding parking of the aircraft that have aircraft base contracts with the airport for some period of time, apply decreasing coefficients to the charges for charter and new flights and determine the airport charge calculation formulas.

"It occurred that these charges were approved in 2008 for the last time and then their growth was explained by the necessity of building new terminals. Of course, no one has sought to revise them since then. We believe that the reduction of airport charges, relaxing of the tariff policy would allow Ukrainian citizens to receive cheap tickets, increasing passenger flow, attracting new airlines and finally increasing income of the airports using a market-based and competitive model," Omelyan said.

He said that airports should learn how to earn on non-aviation operations.