10:11 04.04.2017

Next IMF tranche under EFF program could be in May – Finance Minister

1 min read
Next IMF tranche under EFF program could be in May – Finance Minister

Following the decision of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to issue the fourth tranche of the loan under the EFF program in the amount of $1 billion, Ukraine plans to obtain three more tranches by the end of 2017, in particular the next one in May, Minister of Finance Oleksandr Danyliuk has stated.

"Four tranches are planned for this year, and we expect to receive all these four tranches. And the next one might be in May," he said on the air of Channel Five.

The minister specified all the funds of the fourth tranche will go to the reserves of the National Bank.

Danyliuk emphasized Ukraine for the first time in history has achieved the third revision of the program and receives the fourth tranche, which confirms the authorities' ability to fulfill their obligations and characterizes the level of cooperation with the IMF.