11:19 06.03.2017

State-owned property sale, leasing to be transferred to ProZorro system

1 min read
State-owned property sale, leasing to be transferred to ProZorro system

Ukraine's State Property Fund (SPF) jointly with the Economic Development and Trade Ministry and Transparency International Ukraine are launching the project to sell and lease state-owned property via the ProZorro e-system.

The press service of the ministry reported last week that state-owned and municipal property, unprocessed timber, scrap metal, facilities for small privatization, including buildings, will be put up for sale via the new e-system.

"The creation of the system to sell and lease state-owned property is a new stage in increasing efficiency of use of state-owned property," First Deputy Economic Development and Trade Minister Maksym Nefyodov said.

ProZorro.Sales Project Office Head Oleksiy Sobolev said that the creation of the new database will start in coming days.

As reported, from February 1, 2017 all auctions to sell assets of banks under liquidation are held only in the ProZorro.Sales e-system.

The key donor of the ProZorro.Sales is Western NIS Enterprise Fund.