17:31 29.12.2016

Ukrzaliznytsia will raise five-year UAH 4 bln loan from Ukrgasbank

1 min read
Ukrzaliznytsia will raise five-year UAH 4 bln loan from Ukrgasbank

PJSC Ukrzaliznytsia and Ukrgasbank (Kyiv) on December 27, 2016 signed a loan agreement providing for financing in the amount of UAH 4 billion for five years.

According to the press service of Ukrzaliznytsia, the loan is the first borrowing since the creation of the company. As part of the agreement, Ukrzaliznytsia and Ukrgasbank will finally resolve the issue of restructuring the overdue financial debt of about UAH 520 million to the bank, previously accrued by the railways of Ukraine, whose legal successor is the company.

"The implementation of arrangements between the leadership of Ukrzaliznytsia and Ukrgasbank on providing funds became possible, above all, after passing government resolution No. 551 dated August 23, 2016, which simplified the mechanism of coordination of loans raised by Ukrzaliznytsia by state authorities," the report says.

It indicates the company initiated the prolongation of the resolution for 2017. It is planned to extend its positive effect for the following year.

Now Ukrzaliznytsia continues to work to improve the structure of its loan portfolio, mainly in cooperation with the state banks in the country.