12:53 15.08.2016

NBU expanding financing of imports thanks to relaxation of attraction of funds from export-credit agencies

1 min read
NBU expanding financing of imports thanks to relaxation of attraction of funds from export-credit agencies

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) is facilitating the conditions for foreign economic transactions and expanding the possibilities of financing imports, according to a posting on the NBU's website.

According to the NBU, the relevant amendments are outlined in NBU resolution No. 368 dated August 11, 2016. The amendments will take effect on August 18, 2016.

"The NBU expands the opportunities for financing imports transactions of Ukrainian enterprises thanks to relaxation of the conditions for attracting foreign financing with participation of foreign export-credit agencies and international financial institutions (IFIs)," the central bank said.

Resident can submit original documents and their copies in the electronic form to register the loan agreements signed with nonresidents.