Antonov Enterprise to equip new An-148/158/178 family jets with Canadian avionics

Antonov State Enterprise (Kyiv) would equip next generation An-148/158/178 family jets with aircraft avionics made by Canada's CMC Electronics.
The press service of Antonov Enterprise reported on June 17 that western equipment for new Ukrainian aircraft will be shipped under contracts signed in June with Esterline CMC Electronics, Canada. The Canadian company will supply display, automatic pilot and navigation systems.
The Ukrainian enterprise has not disclosed the conditions and terms of the contract. According to the Visnyk Derzhavnykh Zakupivel public procurements bulletin, the equipment is to be shipped to Ukraine by late June 2021.
"Under the contract, equipment made by CMC Electronics adapted for Antonov aircraft will be certified by the Canadian company at Transport Canada and will meet western standards and requirements. This is an important factor for the further certification of the aircraft in line with European requirements," the press service said.
Antonov said that CMC Electronics will also participate in the program on modernization of An-124-100 Ruslan aircraft with a carrying capacity of 150 tonnes used by Antonov Airlines that ensures the provision of services under the NATO SALIS program in the interests of 18 countries of the Alliance and the EU.
The installation of certified spare parts to the Ruslan aircraft will allow Ukrainian Ruslan aircraft to fly using modern and promising navigation specifications, the press service said.
State-run Antonov company, the leading Ukrainian aircraft manufacturer, became part of Ukroboronprom in April 2015 under a government decision.