13:23 12.03.2016

Fiscal Service proposes legislating temporary imports of cars to Ukraine

1 min read
Fiscal Service proposes legislating temporary imports of cars to Ukraine

Head of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine Roman Nasirov has proposed regulating the staying in Ukraine of temporarily imported vehicles with foreign registration through the adoption of a relevant law to prevent abuse in this field.

"It is necessary to resolve this issue comprehensively in legislation," he said.

Nasirov explained that residents of the border regions of Ukraine often buy cars abroad and based on temporary imports enter the country, but do not conduct the re-registration of the cars. To delay the need to bring the car back abroad, many of the owners of cars with foreign registration acquire certificates from vehicle service stations indicating that the vehicle is being repaired, as well as try to bribe customs officers.

Nasirov noted that such a scheme allows car owners to avoid paying taxes levied on car registration in Ukraine.