11:55 07.04.2015

Ukraine plans to present reform monitoring system at donor conference

1 min read

The Ukrainian authorities plan to present a mechanism for coordinating the activities of donors, including the reform monitoring system, at the "International Support for Ukraine" conference, which is scheduled to be held in late April.

According to the presentation of the conference prepared by the Economic Development and Trade Ministry, and posted on the website "Reforms in Ukraine," a scheme on distributing funds and reporting on their spending to foreign partners is to be presented.

The preliminary program of the conference includes speeches by the president, the prime minister, and the parliamentary speaker, where they will present their views on the current political situation, the achievements made by the authorities, and an action plan including their views on necessary support.

After the first session devoted to reforms sessions on the economy are scheduled to be held, as well as four panel discussions on the following subjects: business climate and investment, restoration of areas affected by the conflict in eastern Ukraine, the agricultural sector, and the energy sector.