09:50 13.05.2014

Canada imposes additional sanctions on some Russian and Ukrainian officials

1 min read
Canada imposes additional sanctions on some Russian and Ukrainian officials

Canada has introduced additional sanctions linked with the Ukrainian crisis, including travel bans and asset freezes for six Ukrainian and six Russian officials, foreign media companies have reported.

Canada's fresh sanctions list includes Russian Armed Forces General Staff Chief Valery Gerasimov, State Duma Deputy Speakers Sergei Neverov and Lyudmila Shvetsova, both members of the United Russia Party, self-proclaimed "people's governor" of Ukraine's Luhansk region Herman Prokopiv, leaders of the self-proclaimed "Donetsk People's Republic" Andriy Purhin and Denys Pushylin, Donetsk region "militia leader" Serhiy Tsyplakov, one of the separatist leaders in eastern Ukraine Igor Strelkov, and other persons.