18:22 17.12.2013

Ukraine to issue Eurobonds; Russia will purchase $15 bln, says Russian finance minister

1 min read

The terms of an issue of Ukrainian Eurobonds in Russia will be determined later, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov told journalists.

A portion of the Eurobonds, "significantly less, will be placed this year," Siluanov said.

The Eurobond issue will total $15 billion, he said.

Earlier President Vladimir Putin announced that Russia would invest $15 billion from the National Welfare Fund (NWF) in Ukrainian government securities. "Given the difficulties facing the Ukrainian economy, connected to a significant degree with the global financial and economic crisis, with the goal of supporting the budget of the Ukrainian government, Russia has made the decision to place a portion of reserves in the National Welfare Fund in Ukrainian government securities in an amount totaling $15 billion", - Putin said following Russian-Ukrainian consultations.