11:44 18.11.2013

Ashton hopes Ukraine will meet Association Agreement conditions before summit in Vilnius

1 min read

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton has said she hopes that Ukraine will manage to fulfill the conditions for signing the Association Agreement with the EU by the time of the Eastern Partnership summit in Vilnius.

"They [Ukrainians] know what they have to deliver [to sign the agreement]," she said on Monday upon arrival for a meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council.

"They know that they have to finish and complete the work on the benchmarks that we've given them. All they need to do is to deal with the issue of selective justice. And they know that that's going to be an extremely important issue. So today we'll take stock, we look forward to Vilnius, and we look forward to seeing Ukraine there. And I hope that by that time Ukraine will be able to complete this part of the road."