09:37 04.11.2013

Agreement with IMF is best response to question on Ukraine's solvency, says expert

2 min read

Ukraine as a sovereign borrower should agree with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as soon as possible, and if the agreement is reached and the new cooperation program is approved, this will allow unfreezing almost ready projects with the World Bank and the European Commission, Morgan Stanley Ukraine Director Ihor Mitiukov said.

"And with the reference to this [the country] will give a clear signal to the market that we know how to cope with the debt burden and the deficit of the balance of payment next year, as this is the main question, on which there is no answer now," he told Interfax-Ukraine.

He said that as for the macro-financial aid of other international financial organizations, apart from IMF, this is several billions of U.S. dollars.

"As soon as the markets receive the information, I think that we can prepare for entering the market," Mitiukov, who headed the Finance Ministry of Ukraine for a long period of time, said.

He also recommended Ukrainian corporate borrowers now prepare for an opportunity of entering the market, as any such projects require several months of preparations, especially for novices.

"They should start now to bring in order the financial statistics, reports, draw up all the required documents to be ready to enter [the market]," Mitiukov said.

He said that it was predicted that the recent situation with the potential technical default of the United States, which causes the worsening of the situation on the market, was to be settled, as it was caused by internal political problems, and not financial collisions.

He said that if Ukraine agreed with IMF and other international financial organizations one could expect the large narrowing of spreads for Ukrainian debts and if the situation on the international market were favorable Ukrainian corporate borrowers could have a window to enter the market.