12:49 25.10.2013

DTEK supports further liberalization of electricity exports

2 min read

DTEK, the largest private vertically integrated energy holding in Ukraine, supports the adoption of the draft law on the fundamental principles of the functioning of the electricity market, which will continue the liberalization of electricity exports in line with the recommendations of the Energy Community, the company has said in a press release.

"The adoption of the draft law on the fundamental principles of the functioning of the electricity market will promote the development of competition, strengthening integration processes in the power sector under standards approved in Europe. With the favorable price situation on foreign markets, the proposed amendments will increase the interest of participants in auctions for access to export power. DTEK is interested in the appearance of new players which are able to use the export potential and ensure additional sales of electricity and Ukrainian coal companies," the company said, citing DTEK Commercial Director Andriy Favorov.

DTEK noted that from 2010 the company's structures increased electricity exports from Ukraine to the EU countries, Belarus and Moldova from 4.2 billion kilowatt-hours to 10 billion kilowatt-hours. In 2012, Ukrainian generating companies sold 9.7 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity to the Energomarket state enterprise, ensuring burning of 5 million tonnes of Ukrainian coal.

"This year the access of national joint-stock company Ukrenergo was increased this year from 500 to 650 MW. This happened thanks to the modernization of equipment and protection relays of DTEK Burshtyn thermal power plant and thanks to the signing of agreements on emergency reservation with systemic operators of the Continental Europe energy group. The increase in the access promoted growth in exports of electricity in all directions and will allow additionally export 600,000-700,000 tonnes of coals 'via power lines' in 2013," Favorov said.

DTEK was established in 2005 to manage the energy assets of the System Capital Management group, owned by businessman Rinat Akhmetov. DTEK is a vertically integrated company involved in the production and enrichment of coal and the generation and sale of electricity.