17:00 02.08.2013

World Bank could issue $800 m to Ukraine if cooperation with IMF renewed, says economy ministry

2 min read

The World Bank could issue systemic loans to finance the national budget worth a total of $800 million to Ukraine if the country renews cooperation with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), according to the Web site of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade.

According to the report, World Bank Director for Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova Qimiao Fan said this at a meeting with Economic Development and Trade Minister Ihor Prasolov.

According to Prasolov, the government intends to continue its dialogue with the IMF about the beginning of a new Stand-By Arrangement, and is counting on the support of the World Bank in preparing new systemic projects to finance the national budget and implement structural reforms.

In addition, according to the report, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade and the World Bank agreed to expand the portfolio of projects.

According to the ministry, in 2013 the Ukrainian side initiated the preparation of the "The Second City Infrastructure Development Project," and the Health Ministry is preparing documents for initiating "The Project to Reform the Regional Health Systems in Ukraine."

In addition, the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Utilities is finalizing documents for initiating the project "Improving Energy Efficiency in the Central Heating Sector in Ukraine." "The Second Power Transmission Project" and "The Second Project to Improve the Social Assistance System" are being prepared.

The total cost of these five projects is about $1.5 billion.

"We hope that this financial year the World Bank Board of Directors will make a decision on the issue of loans to Ukraine for implementing three of these projects, namely "Improving Energy Efficiency in the Central Heating Sector in Ukraine," "The Second City Infrastructure Development Project," and "The Second Project to Improve the Social Assistance System," the World Bank director said.