18:42 09.07.2013

DTEK creates trading company in Switzerland

2 min read

Ukraine's largest private energy holding DTEK has created a trading company in Switzerland to provide direct access to the energy markets of Europe, the press service of the company said on Tuesday.

According to the company, DTEK Trading SA registered in Geneva on June 20 will carry out the bulk of trading in electricity and coal on European markets. DTEK Trading LLC will be responsible for produce sales on the Ukrainian market and its exports to the CIS countries.

"The establishment of the Swiss unit is the generally accepted international practice and it will facilitate the implementation of direct transparent sales to end consumers in Europe. This will allow to improve the efficiency of export operations and strengthen the company's position on the European energy market," reads a statement citing DTEK Commercial Director Andriy Favorov.

The press service noted that the concept of DTEK's development until 2030 foresees the creation of a diversified energy company present on foreign markets. Today the company's coal produce is supplied to 36 countries and electricity is exported to Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Poland, Moldova, and Belarus.

DTEK plans in 2013 to export up to 10 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity and up to 4 million tonnes of coal.