11:31 24.10.2012

An-70 flight tests run smoothly, says general designer

2 min read

Kyiv-based Antonov State Enterprise continues flight tests of the modernized Russian-Ukrainian An-70 military transport aircraft, president - chief designer of the enterprise Dmytro Kiva told Interfax-Ukraine.

"The aircraft performed well during the first flights, without any problems. The test program envisages up to ten flights at our base. Then Russian military will join the tests - representatives of the State Flight Test Center - and we will continue the test flights. There will be around twenty flights," Kiva said.

After that, the final stage of state tests of the aircraft will start, which will include about 70 flights.

"We plan to complete the tests shortly before the end of the year, although perhaps some of the tasks will be moved to the first quarter of next year," the company's head said.

He said that the tests resumed after a two-year break.

"The first flight of the An-70 aircraft after the profound modernization is the beginning of an important stage of its flight tests and is one of the main events of the year for the Antonov Company," Kiva said.

"Together with our partners from Russia and Ukraine, we have substantially upgraded the An-70, and introduced many innovations. The propfans, engines and most of the equipment and drives have been changed. The aircraft noise levels have improved," he said.