13:07 12.01.2018

Cabinet approves introduction of single list of dual-use goods in national export control system

2 min read
Cabinet approves introduction of single list of dual-use goods in national export control system

The Cabinet of Ministers has approved the introduction in Ukraine's national export control system of a single national list of dual-use goods subject to state export control in international transfers, in line accordance with EU norms and standards.

The draft of a respective government resolution on amending the procedure for the implementation of state control over international transfers of dual-use goods, which introduces amendments to resolution No. 86 of January 28, 2004, was approved at a government meeting on Thursday, January 11, without discussion.

According to Interfax-Ukraine's sources in the government, the single list consolidates five lists currently in effect in the state export control system with regard to goods that can be used to create conventional types of weapons, military or special equipment, as well as missile, nuclear, chemical, bacteriological (biological), and toxin weapons.

A source explained that the decision to introduce the single list comes into force 90 days after official publication.

At present, Ukraine's State Export Control Service is streamlining the procedures of the national export control system under the Export Control and Related Border Security (EXBS) program of the U.S. Department of State.

The reform includes the introduction of the electronic licensing system, the formation of a single list of goods subject to the state export control, reducing the list of goods subject to the state export control, harmonization of Ukraine's export control procedures with the EU standards.

The service is also finalizing the draft law introducing amendments to the law of Ukraine on state control over international transfers of military and dual-use goods, which foresees the harmonization of national procedures and rules of state export control with EU norms and standards.