11:48 13.12.2016

Ukrainians will be able to travel in EU without visas within several months – EU ambassador Mingarelli

2 min read
Ukrainians will be able to travel in EU without visas within several months – EU ambassador Mingarelli

Visa-free status for Ukrainians in EU member states will begin working in several months, according to EU representative in Ukraine Hugues Mingarelli.

Mingarelli said at a briefing in Kharkiv on Tuesday that the visa-free regime will enter force in a couple of months. He said he can't give the exact date, but it will depend on EU legal formalities.

The ambassador said the EU authorities have decided that Ukrainians will have visa-free status in the EU within several months and that there is an agreement among all 28 EU member states on this issue.

EU officials say introduction of the visa-free travel regime should be simultaneously introduced with a mechanism to suspend visa-free travel with non-member states.

According to information posted on the website of the European Parliament, debates on this issue will take place on December 14. On December 15 voting on a measure for suspending visa-free travel will be tabled for consideration.

In addition, on December 12 the Internet news service Yevropeiska Pravda (European Truth) said the European Parliament's website had posted a revised forecast for the date of considering the measure for revoking short-term visas for Ukrainian citizens.

"The European Parliament has resolved to consider the Ukrainian issue during its second session in 2017, on February 1. It had been expected the hearing would take place on January 18 – the projected scenario appearing on the European Parliament's website," Yevropeiska Pravda said.