11:35 26.02.2016

Svoboda Party report resumption of blocking of Russian truck transit in Ukraine

2 min read
Svoboda Party report resumption of blocking of Russian truck transit in Ukraine

The Svoboda Party on Friday resumed the all-Ukrainian action to block Russian heavy trucks transit on the territory of Ukraine, Oleh Tiahnybok, leader of this radical organization, said.

"It's unacceptable that the current administration allows Russian businesses to use the Ukrainian transport infrastructure. The authorities' lack of action on the issue of imposing effective sanctions against Russia undermines the confidence of the Western allies to Ukraine's intentions to really oppose the aggressor, and also their wish to continue their sanctions against Russia. By their actions the central administration again demonstrates the priority of business over the national interests of Ukraine," a statement posted on Tiahnybok's Facebook page on Friday morning says.

Tiahnybok said Svoboda "demands that Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk ban the transit of Russian heavy trucks in Ukrainian territory, and reverse the decision to resume Russian transit, since February 25."

He said the call made by Infrastructure Minister, Andriy Pyvovarsky, to Interior Minister, Arsen Avakov, to use the National Guard and other Interior Ministry structures to escort Russian trucks in Ukrainian territory to ensure their unimpeded transit "is totally unacceptable."

"This proposal clearly demonstrates that the current government is a puppet, that is ready to put Ukraine in a humiliating position to secure their patrons' business interests," Tiahnybok said.