14:36 28.12.2015

Frosts on way to Ukraine could worsen state of winter crops in east of country – weather center

1 min read
Frosts on way to Ukraine could worsen state of winter crops in east of country – weather center

The state of winter crops in the eastern regions of Ukraine could worsen due to frosts that are on the way to the country, Head of the agrometeorological department of the Ukrainian Weather Center Tetiana Adamenko told Interfax-Ukraine on Monday.

"In the areas where temperatures at night will fall to minus 15 centigrade and no snow blanket will be seen, crops would be killed and their state could be worsened. I speak about Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv regions and a part of Poltava region," the expert said.

She said that in the next two days snow blanket of 3-5 centimeters is expected to form in Chernihiv, Sumy and Poltava regions, eastern districts of Kyiv region and it would remove some risks linked to the worsening of the state of winter crops.

Adamenko said that it is early to announce pessimistic forecasts, as the state of the crops will depend on the duration of frosts. Temperatures could grow by 10-15 degrees after January 5 or January 6 in the eastern regions.