18:48 28.08.2015

National TV Council agrees draft Cabinet order on introducing 4G

2 min read
National TV Council agrees draft Cabinet order on introducing 4G

The National Television and Radio Broadcasting Council has agreed to a draft order of the Cabinet of Ministers on approving the action plan for 2015-2017 on the introduction of the fourth generation mobile communications in Ukraine in 2017, which came from the National Commission for Communications Regulation (NCCR).

According to the press service of the national council, as the obligatory condition for the launch of this technology is turning off analog transmitters, the national council agreed to the draft order containing proposals regarding deadlines.

"The National Council includes a working group, which developed recommendations for the introduction of digital broadcasting, which foresee a plan for the development of the national television and radio information space. The stages and deadlines for turning off analog TV in Ukraine under the conditions of providing the population with access to digital television have been established. As a result of work of the ad hoc group, the council by its decision dated August 20, 2015 set the term of using analog television broadcasting in Ukraine until June 30, 2018 and forwarded proposals to the State Service of Special Communication and Information Protection of Ukraine," the report said.

Given this decision, the following proposals and terms were included in the draft Cabinet order: approving the plan on and implementing measures for the release of "first digital dividend" bands from radio electronic means of broadcasting service (television) for the introduction of LTE radio technology - in 2016 or the first half of 2017, preparing an action plan for the release of "second digital dividend" bands from radio electronic means for the introduction of LTE radio technology - the first half of 2017.