17:19 23.04.2013

German ambassador: Ukraine becoming object of labor migration

1 min read

German Ambassador to Ukraine Christof Weil has said that Ukraine, as well as Germany, has become an object of labor migration.

"I'm a representative of the country, which is an object of labor migration, although, as I have repeatedly been told, Ukraine has also become such a country," he said during a round table entitled "Mom on Skype: Related Consequences of Labor Migration" in Kyiv on Tuesday.

The ambassador added that labor migration has a negative impact on the families of migrant workers and welcomed the publication of a book entitled "Mom on Skype," the result of a Ukrainian-German social and labor project, which raises the issue of child abandonment as a consequence of labor migration and, in a broader sense, a modern communications chasm between parents and children.

"According to some government estimates, five years ago, about 200,000 Ukrainian children grew up without parental care, because their mothers or fathers or both parents went to work abroad," IOM Ukraine Chief of Mission Manfred Profazi said.