10:04 05.12.2017

Embezzlement of state funds, fraud with VAT to be in competence of National Bureau of Financial Security

1 min read
Embezzlement of state funds, fraud with VAT to be in competence of National Bureau of Financial Security

The concept of the National Bureau of Financial Security foresees including embezzlement and seizure of state funds (Article 191-1 of the Criminal Code) and fraud with VAT (Article 222-2) in the competence of the future law enforcement agency.

This is stipulated in the concept of the bureau presented by head of the parliamentary committee on tax and customs policy Nina Yuzhanina.

According to the concept, the competence of the bureau will include investigations into fictitious entrepreneurship, misuse of state funds, and tax evasion.

The authors of the concept intend to include issues of laundering fraudulently obtained income and willful violation of legislation to prevent legalization of such proceeds or terrorism financing in the bureau's alternative competence.

According to the presentation materials, the bureau structure should include the State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine along with its own and cyber security department, an investigative and operational department, and an analytical and information unit. The new authority will also include territorial units, the bureau board, a department of personnel physical security and other subdivisions.