11:59 24.07.2017

Lawmakers initiate legislative amendments allowing construction of toll roads

2 min read
Lawmakers initiate legislative amendments allowing construction of toll roads

Ukrainian lawmakers have proposed that some legal acts are amended, allowing the launch of the toll road construction projects in the country.

Bill No. 6766 dated July 19 was registered in the Verkhovna Rada by MPs Oleksandr Urbansky, Borys Kozyr, Dmytro Andriyevsky, Yuriy Solovei, Ihor Kononenko (Petro Poroshenko Bloc) and Pavlo Unhurian (People's Front).

The bill is intended to improve regulation in the sphere of construction and exploitation of principal roads on the concession conditions.

According to the bill, only new principal roads can be transferred to concession. Concessionaires build and exploit the roads.

The government will decide to hold concession tenders. The government sets the upper toll for roads built on the concession conditions paid, taking into account inflation. Concession payments are sent to the national budget of Ukraine for the road fund.

The government can compensate for traffic if real traffic on the concession road is less than it is envisaged in the concession agreement, but no more than 30% of the planned annual income from collecting toll.

The length of alternative roads (their sections) for using them free of charge cannot exceed the length of the toll road more than two times, apart from the cases when the half of the length of the toll road are bridges and tunnels.