17:26 30.01.2017

U.S. Gilead will not send financial claims against Ukraine after signing amicable agreement on Sovaldi medicine

2 min read
U.S. Gilead will not send financial claims against Ukraine after signing amicable agreement on Sovaldi medicine

U.S. pharmaceutical manufacturer Gilead Sciences Inc., the manufacturer of the medicine to treat Hepatitis C would not send any financial claims against Ukraine after signing an amicable agreement regarding Sovaldi medicine, the company has told Interfax-Ukraine.

Gilead said that innovative Sovaldi medicine with sofosbuvir actual substance was registered by Ukraine's Health Ministry in October 2015.

"According to Ukrainian legislation, the registration gives exclusive rights to supply of the medicines containing sofosbuvir to Gilead during five years. In November 2015, the Health Ministry registered generic containing sofosbuvir without a permit of the company. Thus, the five-year rights of Gilead to the exclusivity of the medicine guaranteed by Ukrainian law were violated," the company said.

The U.S. company said that Gilead was trying to solve the dispute in court and under a procedure outlined in the investment protection agreement signed by Ukraine and the United States.

"The details of the negotiations and the conditions of the agreement between Gilead and Ukraine are confidential," the company said.

The company expressed hope that the amicable agreement will be signed soon and its rights in Ukraine will be restored.

"After implementing the conditions of the agreement Gilead would not send any financial claims," the company said.

In addition, the company said that in July 2016 Gilead included Ukraine into the Global Access Program Chronic Hepatitis C Treatments. The company offers discounts to countries with low and medium incomes.

"Under the program Ukraine will receive access to innovative Gilead medicines made for Hepatitis C treatments at the lowest prices in the world. The special price under Ukrainian public procurement programs is $250 per package of Sovaldi," the company said.