14:22 07.10.2016

Corruption continues to destabilize judicial system in Ukraine - Buquicchio

2 min read
Corruption continues to destabilize judicial system in Ukraine - Buquicchio

Corruption remains a destabilizing factor for the judicial system in Ukraine, Head of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) Gianni Buquicchio has said.

"Corruption remains a destabilizing factor for the judiciary. In practice, we distinguish between political and ordinary corruption. Political corruption seems to have been reduced from the Revolution times on the Maidan, and the usual corruption in the judiciary and other state institutions remain relevant in the agenda, and it must be really fought," Buquicchio said, speaking at the opening of the international conference on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in Kyiv on Friday.

Another problem, according to Buquicchio, is connected not only with corruption but also with a mere incompetence - "insufficient grounds specified in the definitions of the court." According to him, there is no a single case when this kind of decisions were taken at the higher courts.

"The essence of the judiciary is to justify a judicial decision," he said. In this context, the head of the Venice Commission stressed that one of the main elements of the judicial reform should be a rule that such judge has no place in a reformed judicial system.