13:19 29.08.2016

Ukraine allows international organizations to buy medicines using funds saved from previous purchases

2 min read
Ukraine allows international organizations to buy medicines using funds saved from previous purchases

Ukraine's Cabinet of Ministers has allowed specialized international organizations to purchase additional pharmaceuticals using funds saved from previous purchases.

The decision is documented in Cabinet resolution No. 560 from August 23 on amendments to Cabinet resolution No. 787 from October 8, 2015.

"The Ministry of Health is allowed, with the aim of purchasing the required amount of pharmaceutical and medical supplies … taking into account the volume of unused funds on the accounts of specialized organizations, to make purchases using 2015 budget funds in order to meet 100% of pharmaceuticals and medical products of required supplies," the resolution says.

As reported earlier, a number of medical organizations say they are awaiting permission to purchase additional pharma and medical products using leftover funds from purchases provided for in the 2015 state budget.

British Crown Agents earlier said it was unable to additionally buy medicines at the expense of funds saved from previous tenders, as it was not stipulated in a contract with Ukraine's Health Ministry.

Crown Agents also stated the saving of more than 45%, or UAH 500 million, in procurement of medicines on children and adult oncology programs for the funds of the 2015 national budget compared to purchases in 2014.

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), which also participated in medicine purchases at the expense of budget funds, announced it expected a decision from the Ukrainian Health Ministry on the use of $3.8 million saved on vaccine procurements.