12:17 23.05.2016

Cabinet: Chornobyl NPP reactor four confinement top priority in 2016

1 min read
Cabinet: Chornobyl NPP reactor four confinement top priority in 2016

The completion of a New Safe Confinement (NSC) over reactor four of Chornobyl nuclear power plant (NPP) destroyed 30 years ago is a top property for 2016, according to the draft action plan of the government for 2016.

According to the document, all startup work and tests at the facility are to be finished by the end of this year. The arch is to be completed.

This year leasing of land parcels in the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone for attracting investment and developing solar energy are to be settled.

The important issue for 2016 is the provision of the State Fund for Treating Radioactive Waste with funds only for developing relevant infrastructure and supporting safety of existing facilities for treating spent nuclear fuel at the up-to-date level.

The NSC design is an arch-shaped steel structure with an internal height of 110 metres, length of 150 meters and width 260 meters. Assembly works started in April 2012. The funds for NSC are provided by donor countries of the Shelter Chornobyl Fund. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) manages the fund.