12:50 26.05.2015

Poroshenko signs law exempting international technical aid for Chornobyl NPP from tax

1 min read
Poroshenko signs law exempting international technical aid for Chornobyl NPP from tax

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has signed the law exempting international technical projects for Chornobyl nuclear power plant (NPP) from taxation, the press service of the head of state has reported.

"Poroshenko signed law No. 364-VIII on amending the Tax Code of Ukraine regarding the specifics of international technical aid to the Chornobyl NPP," reads the report.

The press service said that the document removes gaps in tax laws on the specifics of the realization of international technical aid projects for Chornobyl NPP. The Tax Code is extended with the provisions on the absence of the necessity of registering nonresidents-executors of international technical aid projects for Chornobyl NPP with tax agencies.

The Code is expanded with the provisions on the exemption of profit of Chornobyl NPP state enterprise and the profit of companies from taxation: profit received thanks to international technical aid or thanks to funds foreseen in the national budget of Ukraine in the Chornobyl Shelter Fund (CSF) for the period of preparation to remove Chornobyl NPP's reactors from service, their removal from service, and the reorganization of the Shelter facility into an environment-friendly system.