10:42 31.03.2015

Cabinet appoints Sihriyanska as interim Anti-Corruption Policy Commissioner

1 min read
Cabinet appoints Sihriyanska as interim Anti-Corruption Policy Commissioner

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has appointed Vira Sihriyanska as interim Government's Anti-Corruption Policy Commissioner.

It was formalized in the Cabinet's decree No. 252-p dated March 18 posted on Monday.

According to the decree, the Cabinet gave Sihriyanska the authority to agree upon appointment and dismissal of heads of departments on preventing and revealing corruption in ministries and other executive government agencies, Council of Ministries of Crimea, regional and city administrations. She can also agree upon the structure, number of employees and approve work plans of these departments.

According to the Cabinet's website, since February 2, 2015 Sihriyanska had been Chief of Staff of Government's Anti-Corruption Policy Commissioner, Before that, starting from August 2014, she had been a Deputy Chief of Staff.