12:50 02.03.2015

Auchan continues building Rose Park mall, says mall director

2 min read
Auchan continues building Rose Park mall, says mall director

France's Auchan Group has not halted the construction of the Rose Park shopping and leisure center, located between Donetsk and Makiyivka in terrirtory which is temporarily uncontrolled by the Ukrainian government, and continues the realization of the project as potential leasers have maintained their interest, Director of the Rose Park shopping center and leasing department manager of Immochan Ukraine (Kyiv), the developer of the shopping center and part of the Auchan Group, Hanna Koriahina, told Interfax-Ukraine.

"The Rose Park project is at the stage of realization, it has not been frozen," she said at the Eco and Energy Efficiency in Real Estate Forum held in Kyiv on February 27.

Koriahina said that the work is currently being carried out slowly, taking into account hostilities.

"Unfortunately, today we cannot give the terms when the construction is completed, as there are problems with supplies of the required equipment and operation of workers at the site," she said.

She said that some leasers have canceled leasing agreements, some of them have signed agreements of intent and some leasers have been asked to be put on a waiting list.

In early November 2014 Director of Immochan Ukraine Philippe Beurtheret said that despite the situation in eastern Ukraine the Auchan Group would continue to realize a project to construct the Rose Park shopping and leisure center between Makiyivka and Donetsk, and that it was planned the center would open by late 2015.

Immochan Ukraine started building the center in the summer of 2012.